Come to NYLCV's Green Tea Party!
Join the New York League of Conservation Voters, members of the New York City Council and young professionals from around the city for a special evening of cocktails and conversation focusing on a greener, more sustainable New York.
Wednesday, October 20
6-8 p.m.
People Lounge, 163 Allen Street (Lower East Side), NYC
To RSVP, or contact Hilary Wilkes at (212) 361-6350 ext. 204, or for more information.
Suggested contribution is $20.
Join the New York League of Conservation Voters, members of the New York City Council and young professionals from around the city for a special evening of cocktails and conversation focusing on a greener, more sustainable New York.
Wednesday, October 20
6-8 p.m.
People Lounge, 163 Allen Street (Lower East Side), NYC
To RSVP, or contact Hilary Wilkes at (212) 361-6350 ext. 204, or for more information.
Suggested contribution is $20.