Hydrofracking Letter Writing Workshops

Slowing Down the DEC on the
Fast Track to Frack New York State

Governor Cuomo and the Department of Environmental Conservation are putting the Energy Industry on a fast track to frack New York State.
Why the hurry?

The NYS DEC recently issued a Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) which, if accepted, will allow hydro-fracking to begin. We have until December 12 to send comments to the DEC. The Environmental Committee is organizing a series of workshops to provide guidance for writing an effective letter to The DEC commenting on
their regulations.

Individual letters make a difference--the DEC is required to read every one, whereas form letters are merely counted.

We will help you complete a letter at the workshop and mail it for you.
Stop by at any point during one of the workshop sessions:

Saturday, 10/15: 1-3pm

Saturday, 10/22: 10am-2pm

Sunday, 11/06: 12-2 pm

Saturday, 11/19: 2-4 pm

Bring friends—coop members and non-members are welcome!
