Electronics Recycling & Clothing Donation

Date: Sunday, March 16
Time: 8am to 2pm
Place: Manhattan Union Square, North Plaza
(SE corner of 17th St. & Union Square West; cars enter at 16th St. & Union Sq. W.)

Drop off your unwanted electronics for recycling:
* computers & laptops
* monitors /printers & scanners (desktop only)
* keyboards & mice
* TVs, VCRs, DVRs, DVD players
* cell phones

Drop off your gently used clothing and linens for donation:
* Clothing: pants, dresses, shirts, sweaters, shoes, handbags, belts
* Linen: blankets, towels, sheets, curtains, tablecloths

Only donate clean, gently used clothing and linens. Other kinds of household items won't be accepted.

Place donated items in plastic bags and tie securely to avoid moisture contamination. Tax-deduction receipts will be available from Goodwill upon request.

See: http://www.nyc.gov/html/nycwasteless/html/recycling/spring2008events.shtml for more information
