What: Brooklyn Green Drinks
When: Wed., 9/17, 7- 9 p.m.
Where: The Center for the Urban Environment
168 7th St. (2nd & 3rd Aves.) B'klyn NY 11215
They have new headquarters which is LEED-Certified Gold for Commercial Interiors by the US Green Building Council, the first of its kind in Brooklyn!
Recycling: The folks at BCUE want to announce that they are also accepting recycling on the premises that night:
· Alkaline batteries
· Inkjet/laser cartridges
· Compact Florescent Lightbulbs (CFLs)
· Technotrash, meaning: All forms of electronic media and their cases: diskettes, zip disks, CDs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs, DVDs et al, video
tape (i.e. VHS), audio tape, game cartridges, DAT, DLT, Beta or Digibeta, and virtually all other type of computer tapes.
· Hard drives, Zip and Jazz drives, jump drives, etc.
· All forms of printer cartridges including both inkjet and toner.
· All types of pagers, PDAs and their chargers, cables, and headset accessories
· All types of rechargeable batteries and their chargers
· All of the cords, cables, boards, chips, etc. attached to or removed from a computer.
Take the R Train to 9th Street or F train to 4th Avenue.
Exit on 9th Street and 4th Avenue, walk over to 7th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues.
Afterwards: People can continue their GreenDrinks experience at a cozy bar restaurant only a couple minutes away: 8PM - Midnight
Bar Tano
457 3rd Avenue (at 9th Street)
Brooklyn NY 11215
718 499 3400
Every month, people who work in the environmental field, or simply have an interest in it, meet up for a beer at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. It's your chance to mix with other like-minded folks, network, share info and make friends. Attendees have found employment, developed new ideas and even done deals!