Celebrate Earth Month!

With just a few weeks until Earth Day there's lots of environmental events going on not just at the Coop but around the city as well. Here are a few happenings in the next week:

Sunday, April 5th:
The Lower East Side Ecology Center sponsors electronics recycling on April 5th from 10am-4pm on the North Plaza of Union Square, Manhattan. Keep those working and nonworking computers, TVs, cellphones and other electronics out of landfills. For more information, visit the LESEC website.

Monday, April 6th:
The Department of Sanitation (DSNY) is sponsoring an Apartment Building Recycling Initiative this spring as a grassroots way to build recycling awareness. The next training session is on April 6th from 6-8pm at the DSNY Bureau of Waste Prevention, Reuse and Recycling in downtown Manhattan. For more information, visit NYC WasteLe$$.

Tuesday, April 7th:
Small business owner? The Lower East Side Ecology Center's EcoBizNYC Sustainable Business Workshops are for you! Learn strategies for working with your employees and customers to green your business. This FREE workshop will be held on April 7th from 10-11:30am at 228 E. 3rd St., 7th fl. (ring bell labeled CR). For more information, visit the LESEC website.
