Upcoming Events at the Coop

Reduce and reuse at these environmentally-friendly events at the Coop this month:

Garden and House Plant Swap
Saturday June 13th

Plant swappers may choose one plant for each plant they bring. Please bring healthy plants with adequate roots, packed in a lightweight container with adequate soil. Do not bring cuttings. If you are bringing plants that send out runners (ivy, pachysandra, etc.), please pack at least three runners, with roots, in each container. Plants will not be accepted after 11:30am.

Adult Clothing & Costume Jewelry Exchange
Saturday June 20th

The season is changing, and this is your opportunity to trade gently used and beautiful clothes and costume jewelry that you no longer wear with other Coop members. Do not leave clothing or jewelry in the Coop before the hours of the exchange. Bring up to 15 items only. Unchosen items will be donated to a local shelter.

Both events are held in the meeting room on the second floor of the Coop, and are open to members and non-members.

Image courtesy of weebum's Flickr pool.
