Public Access Television Show on Gas Drilling

Freddy’s Brooklyn Roundhouse presents an informative primer on controversial gas drilling in NY State, known as hydrofracking, that will air this week on BCAT and MNN TV (air dates below). This is the first in a series of shows on the subject and highlights the process itself and the growing environmental grass roots movement taking place to fight against this highly toxic process threatening our water supplies and steps we can take now to prevent this from happening here.

The episode will air on TV in Brooklyn this Tuesday and in Manhattan on Thursday.


Tuesday, November 24th, 8PM, TimeWarner Cable 34 / Cablevision 67 / RCN 82 / Verizon 42

Thursday, November 26th, 8:30PM, TimeWarner Cable 56 / Cablevision 17 / RCN 83 / Verizon 34
