Tapped--New Film about Bottled Water

Screening and discussion of

Tapped (76 minutes)

on Friday, February 12, 2009 at 7 pm

at The Community Church
28 East 35th Street, Manhattan
"the Gallery" at John Haynes Holmes House

suggested donation $5

Is access to clean drinking water a right or a commodity that should be bottled and sold like any other commercial product?

Stephanie Seochtig’s debut film is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. From the plastic production to the ocean in which so many of these bottles end up, this powerful documentary trails the path of the water industry, featuring the lives caught in the intersection and the communities which are unwitting chips on the table.

Sponsored by:
Neighborhood Energy Network & Tristate Food Not Lawns
Sierra Club NYC
The Green Sanctuary Committee, the Community Church of NY
Resistance Cinema/Action for Justice Committee
