Two Quick Actions for Safe Water

1) Senator Sampson has been refusing to allow the fracking moratorium bill onto the floor for a vote. This action is urgent as we have a slim window of time to influence Sampson's decision to advance the moratorium bill.

please contact Sampson's office and leave a message, urging the senator to advance the moratorium bill.
Sen. John Sampson
District Office: 718-649-7653
Albany Office: 518-455-2788

Suggested statements:
"I urge Senator Sampson to move the hydrofracking moratorium bill onto the floor for a vote before the legislature adjourns this year."

Also, call your own state senator and ask him/her to:
"Please co-sign and vote for the Thompson moratorium bill and urge Senator Sampson to move the bill onto the floor for a vote."
You can find your state senator at:

2) Please reach out RIGHT NOW to tell Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer NOT to strip the fracking disclosure provision out of the oil spill response bill! It would mandate disclosure of fracking chemicals for natural gas drilling wells on federal lands – a big first step forward to protect communities. For ......Speaker Pelosi, call 202-225-0100 For Majority Leader Hoyer, call 202-225-3130


ofernyc said…
There is also a crucial movie about Hydraulic Fracture drilling called GASLAND, made by a film director who lives upstate NY. It shows the affects of gas drilling in 24 other states, including gas coming out of kitchen water tap, and poisoning caused by pollution of water sources. I urge you to learn more about this before it hits NY state and brings catastrophe to our water reservoirs.
Cynthia said…
We are planning to have a screening of Gasland at the Park Slope Food Coop in October. We'll post more details when they are finalized.
Adam Aronson said…
Working Families party is offering an email petition; in case you're interested.