Hydrofracking Town Hall Meeting

Dear New Yorker,

Please join us at a town hall meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 24th, 5-8pm
at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) located at 199 Chambers Street in Lower Manhattan to discuss natural gas drilling in New York State.

At this public meeting, residents will have the opportunity to comment on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) official study examining the potential health and environmental impacts of hydraulic drilling.

The NYC Council has been working on this issue for quite some time now, and we remain seriously concerned about this type of gas extraction. Natural gas drilling in New York State could contaminate the drinking water of more than 12 million NYC-area residents.

It's important that we hear from you and other New Yorkers about this critical issue.

While the EPA is holding hearings elsewhere in the State, none have been proposed for New York City. This town hall will provide you an important opportunity to raise your questions and concerns about natural gas drilling and its potential impact on the region's water supply.

We look forward to seeing you at the town hall on August 24th. Please RSVP at (212) 788-6871or events@council.nyc.gov by Friday, August 20th.

Christine C. Quinn
Speaker, New York City Council

James F. Gennaro
Chair, Environmental Protection Committee, New York City Council

A, C, E to Chambers St.; walk 3 blocks west on Chambers St.
1, 2, or 3 to Chambers St.; walk 2 blocks west on Chambers St.
R to City Hall (local); walk 6 blocks west on Chambers St.

For additional subway directions, go to Hopstop
