If you haven't had a chance to see Gasland yet, there's a
NYC screening on Thursday, November 11 @ 7 pm at
"the Gallery" at John Haynes Holmes House,
the Community Church of NY
28 East 35th Street, bet. Park & Madison Avenues
suggested donation $5
The gas drilling process known as hydraulic fracturing ("fracking")
has unlocked a "Saudi Arabia of natural gas" beneath us.
Josh Fox travels the country, uncovering the secrets, lies and
contamination of the industry.
NYC screening on Thursday, November 11 @ 7 pm at
"the Gallery" at John Haynes Holmes House,
the Community Church of NY
28 East 35th Street, bet. Park & Madison Avenues
suggested donation $5
The gas drilling process known as hydraulic fracturing ("fracking")
has unlocked a "Saudi Arabia of natural gas" beneath us.
Josh Fox travels the country, uncovering the secrets, lies and
contamination of the industry.