Electronics Recycling in Brooklyn

My toaster broke down with finality last night and I was wondering how long I would have to hold on to it before an electronics recycling event came up. (For those who want to know why I don't have it repaired--it is very old and seemed to have a burning smell last night and I am very careful about not using risky electronics as I know two people who have had fires in their homes.)

Anyway, back to the recycling events--there are ones in Park Slope as early as January 16. For the full schedule of other boroughs see the Lower East Side Ecology Center
  • Sunday, January 16, 2011 | 10:00am - 4:00pm
    Prospect Park West & 3rd St., Brooklyn, NY

  • Saturday, January 22, 2011 | 10:00am - 4:00pm
    Habana Outpost, Fulton St. bet. S. Portland Ave. & S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, NY
For those of you following the LESEC poster series (which you can print and post in your building lobby, there's a nifty new poster about a toaster (!), and recycling metal items in NYC.
