Please take a moment to sign the petition to ban hydrofracking in New York State and pass it on to others.
The situation is pretty serious. Leases to hydrofrack land in upstate New York could be given out in early 2012 if we don't stop it, and we haven't so far. The good news is that many environmental groups and concerned citizens are working together on this--but we need everyone's help.
Send the petition link to your Facebook and other friends, if you can. And stop by one of the Environmental Committee's letter writing workshops to generate effective comments to the current SGEIS.
The next workshop is next Saturday, October 22, from 10 to 12pm. at the Park Slope Food Coop, 792 Union St., between 6th and 7th Avenues in Brooklyn. All are welcome--members and non-members alike. Please join us!
The situation is pretty serious. Leases to hydrofrack land in upstate New York could be given out in early 2012 if we don't stop it, and we haven't so far. The good news is that many environmental groups and concerned citizens are working together on this--but we need everyone's help.
Send the petition link to your Facebook and other friends, if you can. And stop by one of the Environmental Committee's letter writing workshops to generate effective comments to the current SGEIS.
The next workshop is next Saturday, October 22, from 10 to 12pm. at the Park Slope Food Coop, 792 Union St., between 6th and 7th Avenues in Brooklyn. All are welcome--members and non-members alike. Please join us!