Alternatives to Plastic Bags

There are numerous ways we can begin to phase out plastic roll bags from our shopping routine! The biggest hurdle is change.

Here are a few ways to start:
  1. Slowly make the switch to reusable bags. These companies offer a range* of bag choices:
  2. Reuse plastic bags from other stores (there is no shortage of plastic bags in NYC!)
  3. Reuse paper bags for bulk and mushrooms. Compost paper bags when they are spent.
  4. Re-evaluate which produce items really need a bag. Most items can be placed in your shopping basket without a bag. Save your bags for loose items like string beans, peas, etc.
* Wondering why the PSFC doesn't carry more reusable bag choices? The Environmental Committee  has made this request over the last two years, but nothing has been done. Please call the Office (718-622-0560) and ask the General Coordinators to stock a variety reusable bags!

Please review the Environmental Committee's Proposal to Phase Out Plastic Bag Rolls and contact us with questions and concerns.