February 28: Plastic Produce Bags @ the General Meeting

Please join us at the next General Meeting on Tuesday, February 28th from 7 to 9 pm, where our proposal to phase out plastic roll bags on the shopping floor is on the agenda as a discussion item.

Item #2: Phasing Out Plastic Roll Bag Distribution on the Shopping Floor (40 minutes)
Discussion: "The Environmental Committee and concerned members recommend phasing out distribution of plastic roll bags on the shopping floor. They will present alternatives, which will help us comply with the Coop’s Environmental Policy, and address our role in the financial, environmental, health, and social injustice of plastic production, recycling, and pollution." —submitted by the Environmental Committee

We are hopeful that the vote will be scheduled at the March or April General Meeting; details will be announced here on our blog as soon as they are available.

Related posts:
Finally, we want to hear from you with any questions or concerns.
Please don't hesitate to post a comment to share your thoughts or email us at ecokvetch at blogspot.com. Let us know if you want to get updates about the issues we are working on.

The Environmental Committee


Maura Smale said…
Great news! I can't make it next week, but will most certainly be there for the vote.